PWM Cash, PWM Lyons and WM Chapelle |


Secretary Arkia Brown..displaying her NATURAL beauty |

Have any pictures you want added?
email them to bathshebasecretary@yahoo.com

PM Melissa Sims & Asoc. Conductress Deidra Davison @ Tropics |

PWM Melissa Sims and Sis. Vera Jones (one of the starting 8 of Bathsheba) in the Bahamas |

PWM Cash, PWM Sims, PWM Lyons and WM Chapelle |

Sis. Ebony looking like the Queen Bee she Is |

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PM Melissa Sims & Patron ILL. Joe Cash |

AM Marcia Smith WM-Marie Chappelle & Conductress Schara Kerbo@Breast Cancer Walk |
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