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History and Background



Who is Bathsheba???
Bathsheba means ‘daughter of opulence, riches’.
Solomon, Hebrew shelomoh, means ‘his replacement’, perhaps referring to Bathsheba’s first baby, who died soon after it was born.

Bathsheba was the most significant woman during the period of the monarchy. She was the beloved wife of King David. After his death, she occupied the most prestigious position a woman could hold, that of Queen Mother. She took part in court intrigues and influenced political events, which gave the succession to her son Solomon.
The story of Bathsheba has special significance for Christians. In the gospel of Matthew, four women are included in the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:2-17). Bathsheba is the fourth of these women.
The story of Bathsheba is about two different episodes in Jewish history:

1 Bathsheba and King David (2 Samuel 11:1-26, 12:15-25)
Bathsheba was seen by King David as she bathed, and became pregnant to him. Her husband Uriah was killed by David. She then married the King. Her baby, the son of David, died. She had a second son, who was called Solomon.

2 The struggle for the throne (1 Kings 1:1-37, 2:10-25)
David lost his sexual potency in old age, and a regency was arranged. Bathsheba and Nathan secured the throne for Solomon. Solomon succeeded to the throne, honoured his mother, and was advised by her.
Queen of Bathsheba Number 8 was started by Angela Cash as well as 7 other stars, under the advisory of her mentor the late Most Ancient Grand Worthy Matron, Unique Lady Gwendolyn Evans.
The name Bathsheba was picked for this chapter because it was felt to have emboded today's women and the struggles she must go through as well as her place in society
The Number 8 is significant to the 8 members who started Bathsheba
Angela Cash
Melissa Sims
Syiisha Dale
Dorotha Boone Skeeter
Vera Jones
Tamara Hairston
Tonya Shell
Eula Boomer


Since its founding Queen of Bathsheba #8 has produced great sisters
including Most Ancient Grand Worthy Matrons, Grand Matrons, Most Ancient Matrons, Illustrious Commandresses, Royal Matrons,  Elite Ladies, and Matrons for sister Chapters.
Bathsheba  has also held such honored as being named Chapter of the Year 2006m as well as been a big sister chapter to multiple new chapters in which we have assisted. 


"To be a star,

you must shine your own light,

follow your own path,

and don't worry about the darkness,

for that is when the stars shine brightest"